
Dimarts 28 de Maig (By Naia Carmena & Gala Garcia)

  Today 28th of may we are leaving De Haan, we woke up at 7:30 in the morning, we got dressed and finished packing some things in the suitcase, we went to school at 8:40 and had some breakfast all together.  Then we played a little bit in the playground and went to the class to do one activity about differents and common things of De Haan and Lliçà de Vall in pairs. After this, we went to the playground to take some photos and say goodbye to everyone. Around 11:00 we went to catch the tram to Oostende, in Oostende we cought the train to go to Gant Sant Pieter and then to the airport. In Gant Saint Pieter we cought another train to the airport at 13:00. In the airport we waited until 15:30 to do the check-in.  After the check-in we went to revise our bags, and we had free time to shopping or see things in the shops, we met all at 17:30 to enter at the plane and at 18:21 we start flying, at end, we arrived to Barcelona at 20:01, and we all go with our families. Avui 28 de maig sortim de

Dilluns 27 de Maig (by Lucas Gonzalez & Anahí Garcia)

Dilluns 27/05 Monday it's a long day. First of all we prepared yourselfs to go to the school. There we had a little class of technology with MicroBits and made an activity. This one consisted in going through De Haan with a MicroBit which counted our steps. We had little treasures hidden through the village. The activity was in grupos and we had to find as much treasures as we could. The group who had more treasures with less steps, won the activity. After that, we had a little rest time and we took a bus from the school to the surf club. We had to put on our wet suits and choose an activity. There were three, and the activities were about 2 hours. When we finished, each one went to it's house. At 6:30 in the evening, we went to the school again. That was our last dinner there, so they gave us a typical dish: fried potatoes. After having dinner, we went to the playground so that we could enjoy a little bit with our partners. There, we cryed a lot and then we went to our houses.

Diumenge 26 de Maig (by Jael Menino)

Avui m'he llevat a les once, hem esmorzat y despres hem anat a la platja a pescar AMB unes reds, pero ha comenzat a ploure i ens hem anat. Després hem dinat y hem anat a unes piscines durant dos horas, hem tornat a casa y ens hem anat a dormir. Today I wape up at eleven, we had breakfast and then we went to the beach to fish with some nets, but it started to rain and we left. Then we had lunch and went to some swimming pools for two hours, then, we returned home and went to sleep.

Dissabte 25 de Maig (by Mariona Martorell)

  Per el mati, a les 11:10, ens van aixecar i  vam esmorzar entrepants de nutella.  A les 13:00 vam quedar amb alguns del grup per donar un volt per la platja. Després d'estar una estona jugant a futbol vam caminar a través d'uns camps fins arribar a una platja. Vam arribar a casa en bicicleta y després vam anar a jugar a la bolera, i jo vaig guanyar. Al cap d'una estona vam anar a casa de l'Artur, amb la seva familia i companyia, vam parlar de les nostres coses i al cap d'una hora vam marcar cap a casa. Al final del día vam dormir tots quatre a l'habitació on tenen el cinema. On the morning, at 11:00, we woke up and we ate breakfast, bread with nutella. At 1:00 p.m. we are going to hung out with some of the group to walked along the beach. After spending a while playing soccer, we went to walk through too field to arrived at a place like a beach. We went to arrived home on my bike and then we went to the bowling, and I was the winner. At the end, we went to Art

Divendres 24 de maig (by Aran Vinyals)

  Avui ens hem aixecat a les 7:00 i a les 8:00 hem anat a Ostende, la ciutat més propera a De Haan. Allà, hi hem arrivat en trenvia, però en lloc de dirigirnos al centre hem baixat una parada abans per poder veure el mar i el port. Al arrivar al centre de la ciutat (en vaixell), el nostre guia Tom ens ha ensenya tota la ciutat, la cual te uns maravellosos edificis, tres grans llacs i un bosc molt gran. A les dues, van arrivar els estudiants belgues, perquè aquell dia es feia una fira de energia renobable. En la fira hi habien diferents carpes amb empreses d’energía renobable; Cada una d’aquestes empreses te una funció, com per exemple, posar cables sota el mar, netejar, agafar sorra investigar, etc. En conclusió, avui ha sigut un dia molt interessant i sobreot molt lectiu, ens ha agradat molt xerrada i la ciutat. Aran Viñals

Dijous 23 de Maig (by Thais Contreras)

  Today, the 23rd of May, I woke up and prepared to go to school with my partner. When we arrived I stayed with my friends and Belgian people. After a few minutes the teachers arrived. And we take the train and metro to go to Bruges. At the Bruges we walk until a lake where we can take a boat with an instructor how were guide. We still waiting for a boat, then we take it and we do a little tourism in Bruges. We see ducks and beautifuls places, like these: After this we stayed in some banks for lunch and rest. Then we continued until we arrived in a little street with a shop with typical things from Belgium. Some friends and teachers buy something for the family. When we finished with the little shopping we stayed in a little museum or something similar. It was so big and beautiful. But it was the last site of Bruges that we stayed. And finally the day I hang out with a friend of my partner in the afternoon after dinner. We go by bike and it was a great afternoon all together.

Dimecres 22 de Maig (by Emma Sierra)

  Wednesday Today we got up at 7 am in the morning and we got dressed and ate breakfast. At 7:20 am we went walking to school. At school we ate again breakfast and did some games to know each other. All the students were having a lot of fun. When the games were over we did a tour on the De Haan. We visited Albert Einstein’s house and saw a lots of beautiful houses. At 12:30 the students went to school and went to their partner’s homes to eat lunch.  At 14:00 pm we all needed to go to the beach club to play beach games. We did sand castles and sculptures. At 16:30 school ended and we went to our partners houses. And at 19:30 we were all eating dinner and preparing for bed. Avui ens hem llevat a les 7 del matí, ens hem vestit i hem esmorzat. A les 7:20 del matí hem anat caminant a l'escola. A l'escola vam tornar a esmorzar i vam fer uns jocs per coneix’ens. Tots els alumnes es van divertir molt.  Quan van acabar els jocs vam fer un recorregut per De Haan. Vam visitar la casa d