Dissabte 25 de Maig (by Mariona Martorell)

 Per el mati, a les 11:10, ens van aixecar i  vam esmorzar entrepants de nutella. 

A les 13:00 vam quedar amb alguns del grup per donar un volt per la platja. Després d'estar una estona jugant a futbol vam caminar a través d'uns camps fins arribar a una platja. Vam arribar a casa en bicicleta y després vam anar a jugar a la bolera, i jo vaig guanyar. Al cap d'una estona vam anar a casa de l'Artur, amb la seva familia i companyia, vam parlar de les nostres coses i al cap d'una hora vam marcar cap a casa.

Al final del día vam dormir tots quatre a l'habitació on tenen el cinema.

On the morning, at 11:00, we woke up and we ate breakfast, bread with nutella.

At 1:00 p.m. we are going to hung out with some of the group to walked along the beach. After spending a while playing soccer, we went to walk through too field to arrived at a place like a beach. We went to arrived home on my bike and then we went to the bowling, and I was the winner. At the end, we went to Artur's house, with hisfamily and company, we talked about our things and at the end of an hour we went home.

At the end of the day we went to sleep all four in the room with the cinema.


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