Dijous 23 de Maig (by Thais Contreras)

 Today, the 23rd of May, I woke up and prepared to go to school with my partner. When we arrived I stayed with my friends and Belgian people. After a few minutes the teachers arrived. And we take the train and metro to go to Bruges.

At the Bruges we walk until a lake where we can take a boat with an instructor how were guide. We still waiting for a boat, then we take it and we do a little tourism in Bruges. We see ducks and beautifuls places, like these:

After this we stayed in some banks for lunch and rest. Then we continued until we arrived in a little street with a shop with typical things from Belgium. Some friends and teachers buy something for the family.

When we finished with the little shopping we stayed in a little museum or something similar. It was so big and beautiful. But it was the last site of Bruges that we stayed.

And finally the day I hang out with a friend of my partner in the afternoon after dinner. We go by bike and it was a great afternoon all together.


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