Dilluns 27 de Maig (by Lucas Gonzalez & Anahí Garcia)

Dilluns 27/05 Monday it's a long day. First of all we prepared yourselfs to go to the school. There we had a little class of technology with MicroBits and made an activity. This one consisted in going through De Haan with a MicroBit which counted our steps. We had little treasures hidden through the village. The activity was in grupos and we had to find as much treasures as we could. The group who had more treasures with less steps, won the activity. After that, we had a little rest time and we took a bus from the school to the surf club. We had to put on our wet suits and choose an activity. There were three, and the activities were about 2 hours. When we finished, each one went to it's house. At 6:30 in the evening, we went to the school again. That was our last dinner there, so they gave us a typical dish: fried potatoes. After having dinner, we went to the playground so that we could enjoy a little bit with our partners. There, we cryed a lot and then we went to our houses.

Dilluns 27/05 Dilluns és un dia llarg. Primer de tot ens vam preparar per anar a l'escola. Allà vam tenir una petita classe de tecnologia amb MicroBits i vam fer una activitat. Aquest consistia a passar per De Haan amb un MicroBit que comptava els nostres passos. Teníem petits tresors amagats pel poble. L'activitat era en grups i hem hagut de trobar tants tresors com poguéssim. El grup que tenia més tresors amb menys passos, va guanyar l'activitat. Després d'això, vam descansar una mica i vam agafar un autobús des de l'escola fins al club de surf. Ens havíem de posar el neoprè i triar una activitat. Eren tres, i les activitats van durar unes 2 hores. Quan vam acabar, cadascú va anar a casa seva. A les 6:30 del vespre vam anar de nou a l'escola. Aquest va ser el nostre darrer sopar allà, així que ens van oferir un plat típic: patates fregides. Després de sopar, vam anar al pati per poder gaudir una mica amb els nostres companys. Allà vam plorar molt i després vam anar a casa nostra.


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